WITNESSRESOURCES SEARCH TOPICS LANGUAGE TYPE COUNTRY OR REGION COLLECTIONS استخدام الفيديو لدعم العدالة والمساءلة في قضايا العنف الجنسي والعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعيGuideGuide to Reporting on Sexual and Gender-based Violence in NigeriaCase Study, GuideGuías para documentar en video protestas y movilizaciones socialesResource MapJust Joking (Resumen Ejecutivo)ReportInterviewing with Care: Documenting Stories of State ViolenceGuideShould I Collect and Archive These Videos?Decision TreeRecording Remote Video Or Audio Interviews for Human RightsTipsheetVideo Production Through a Gender LensTipsheetInterviewing Techniques: Obtaining Informed ConsentVideoVideo Series: Interviewing TechniquesVideoTips: Interviewing Survivors of Gender-based ViolenceTipsheetVideo as Evidence: Documenting Standing RockGuide