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What is provenance and authenticity infrastructure?

Provenance and authenticity infrastructure is everything, the tools, the software, or the broader ecosystem, that allows us to capture the provenance (source and history) of digital media, track it, and verify it.

It can serve as a tool to help tackle misinformation/disinformation and to fortify truth, but it also comes with potential harm.

This video is part of our 6-part video playlist called “Provenance and Authenticity Infrastructure that Works for All”:

  1. What is Provenance and Authenticity Infrastructure?
  2. What is the C2PA?
  3. WITNESS, Provenance and Authenticity Infrastructure and the C2PA
  4. Provenance and authenticity infrastructure for human rights defenders, civic journalists, and others
  5. What are the potential harms that can come from provenance and authenticity infrastructure?
  6. What can be done to create provenance and authenticity infrastructure that works for all?

Download the Provenance and Authenticity Infrastructure That Works for All Report Here.