WITNESSRESOURCES SEARCH TOPICS LANGUAGE TYPE COUNTRY OR REGION COLLECTIONS Pengarsipan Video Hak Asasi Manusia: Paradoks antara Bukti dan Impunitas di Papua - LAPORAN WEBINARReportHuman Rights Video Archiving: The Paradox of Evidence and Impunity in West Papua - WEBINAR REPORTReportProvenance and Authenticity Infrastructure That Works for AllReportTicks Or It Didn't Happen*ReportFortifying Community Truth in the Age of Generative AI and Synthetic Media in AfricaReportJust Joking ReportReportTruth Tellers Report - AfricaReportJust Joking (Resumen Ejecutivo)ReportReport: Online Manipulation of Visual Content for Anti-Immigrant PropagandaReportCapturing Hate ReportReport