WITNESSRESOURCES SEARCH TOPICS LANGUAGE TYPE COUNTRY OR REGION COLLECTIONS Tenemos Derechos al Documentar Arrestos de la MigraVideoFilming Inauguration Day Marches and ProtestsTipsheetPlanning Workbook: Building a Police Violence Video DatabaseWorksheetYour Rights When Filming Immigration Enforcement - USVideoWalkthrough of the People’s Database for Community-Based Police Accountability - Version 2.0VideoStorytelling Case Studies: Immigrant Justice in the U.S.Case StudyInterviewing with Care: Documenting Stories of State ViolenceGuidePART 2 – Filming Guide: Video as Evidence U.S. ImmigrationGuidePART 1- Legal Guide: Video as Evidence U.S. ImmigrationGuideFULL Video as Evidence Guide: U.S. ImmigrationGuideShould I Collect and Archive These Videos?Decision TreeTips on Filming Police at Protests in the U.S.Video