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Is dedicated to unleashing the potential of eyewitness video as a powerful
tool to report, monitor and advocate for human rights.


#ArchiveLife: Community-Based Video Archiving

#ArchiveLife: Community-Based Video Archiving

This #ArchiveLife resource collection supports the transformative power of community video archiving and serves as a toolkit for activists and community defenders looking to preserve important human rights documentation.

The collection includes guidance on documenting and safeguarding against manipulation by oppressive forces whilst maintaining the integrity of our historical narratives and lived realities.

Documenting During Internet Shutdowns

Documenting During Internet Shutdowns

As part of our global Eyes on Internet Shutdowns: Documenting for Human Rights campaign, we've developed a collection of resources to support activists in preparing and navigating internet shutdowns. These tips and tactics aim to help human rights defenders prepare, document and preserve footage during a shutdown. While this is a collection of English language materials, you can search our resources for many additional languages.

Environmental Defense: Video for Earth

Environmental Defense: Video for Earth

Stemming from our Video for Earth projects supporting land and water defenders around the globe, these resources provide guidance on filming evidence of environmental destruction, creating compelling narratives around climate justice and case studies on impactful campaigns.

Filming Protests and Police Misconduct

Filming Protests and Police Misconduct

This set of resources offers tips and guidance on filming protests and demonstrations in the United States and Globally.

Gaza Media Resources

Gaza Media Resources

These resources are part of a collaborative initiative developed by WITNESS, SMEX, Meedan, and 7amleh in October 2023. Together, we aim to provide vital tools and guidance for documenting human rights abuses and ensuring the accessibility of information amidst ongoing challenges in Gaza and beyond. Learn more about this initiative here.

Open Source Investigations and Verification

Open Source Investigations and Verification

This collection of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) resources offers practical guidance on ethically and effectively gathering, analyzing, verifying and preserving open source information related to human rights incidents and investigations. 

Right to Record

Right to Record

This #RightToRecord resource collection highlights the crucial role of recording human rights violations during protests, elections, environmental crises, and in many situations of abuse against underepresented communities.

This resource collection strives to support ongoing resistance efforts of communities documenting and exposing injustices around the world.

We still protest. We still resist. We still exist.

Technology, Threats & Opportunities: Research & Analysis

Technology, Threats & Opportunities: Research & Analysis

This collection highlights research, thought-leadership and guidance around new video related technologies, such as deepfakes and synthetic media, and the opportunities and challenges they present for human rights defenders around the world. Learn more about this work at

Working with Survivors of Sexual & Gender-based Violence

Working with Survivors of Sexual & Gender-based Violence

Working with survivors of sexual and gender-based violence requires taking extra precautions to protect individuals' mental and physical health and safety. These resources offer guidance on safely, ethically and effectively filming interviews, collecting evidence and collaborating with survivors on video projects.